CERN computing facilities
No. You should avoid actions that could create a hostile work environment or make others feel uncomfortable in the office. Giving sexually explicit pictures to colleagues at CERN could constitute harassment, and may also violate the CERN Computing Rules, as set out in Operational Circular No. 5.
(use of professional e-mail accounts)
No. Personal use of file-sharing programs is not permitted at CERN, as it typically involves the exchange of copyrighted material which violates the CERN Computing Rules, as set out in Operational Circular No. 5. However, requests for professional use of file-sharing programs may be submitted to the CERN Computer Security Officer.
(file-sharing programmes)
Even if you use your own computer, on your own time, you are using CERN’s network resources and, in particular, a CERN-owned IP address. This means that any network activity, which includes visiting websites and blogs, may be tracked back to that CERN IP address. Your activity could, therefore, have a negative impact on CERN’s reputation, for example if you exchange copyrighted files via P2P networks. Please review the CERN Computing Rules, as set out in Operational Circular No. 5, and ensure your use of your computer and CERN computing facilities is in compliance.
(in free time)
Your user access should not be used to query data that is not directly linked to your professional duties. Doing so could constitute unethical behaviour.
(personal data)
The CERN Computing Rules, as set out in Operational Circular No. 5, demand respect for copyrighted material, including software. CERN provides a large variety of licensed software intended for professional use by CERN contributors. Generally, the licenses are limited to the use of the software at CERN or on CERN hardware. Some software, however, including word processing packages, is available for installation on your home computers as well. Please contact the person at CERN who is responsible for the software in question if you need further details.
(installing software)
We are aware of the need for accessible, global communication, especially given the global diversity of CERN contributors. The use of Skype is tolerated at CERN provided it is configured in accordance with the procedures documented by IT at These procedures allow configuration of Skype in a way that minimizes the network bandwidth used. As with all use of CERN computing facilities, the CERN Computing Rules, as set out in Operational Circular No. 5, are applicable. Unless your productivity is compromised in the view of your hierarchy, your use of Skype for personal calls should not pose a problem.
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