CERN contractors
You should address yourself to the relevant CERN contract manager.
The Code of Conduct applies to CERN personnel in their interactions with contractors on the CERN site. In your case, you should address yourself to the relevant CERN contract manager or the Ombuds office.
CERN material
This is an act of misuse of CERN’s resources. It is unlikely that you will be able to address the matter tactfully with your colleague. You should contact your hierarchy, Internal Audit or the Human Resources Department.
The old computer remains CERN property, even if it seems redundant. Ask your hierarchy whether it may be used elsewhere in your group, department or at CERN. If this is not the case, you may be able to buy it in accordance with the procedure for purchase of obsolete equipment, as described on the Finance and Procurement Department website.
CERN vehicles
No. CERN vehicles are provided to members of the personnel within the framework of their work for CERN and solely for official use. Use of such vehicles for personal reasons is strictly forbidden (see Operational Circular No. 4). Moreover, CERN car insurance will cover only professional use.
Q: I have been instructed by my supervisor to book only business class flights for his/her duty travel and to claim what seems to me to be unreasonably expensive accommodation. I am in a difficult position, but do not want to submit claims which seem to violate the Staff Rules and Regulations. What should I do?
A: First, you should understand what the rules are. If you are in doubt, you should obtain information as to the rules from the Human Resources Department. A tactful conversation with your supervisor may be possible. If not possible, you should contact your departmental management, the Human Resources Department or Internal Audit.