Politique du Recrutement & Sourcing au CERN


In the context of implementing a modern HR Strategy for CERN and setting up a dedicated HR Centre of Expertise (COE) for Staff Recruitment, this paper outlines a proposed Recruitment & Sourcing policy for CERN founded on the following five principles:

  1. Recruiting excellence
  2. Sourcing talent for today and tomorrow
  3. Getting the right people in the right place at the right time
  4. Encouraging and valuing diversity
  5. Recruiting Ethically

The goal is to provide a framework for all recruitment activities, fully integrating the CERN Competency Model. This policy should enable CERN to position itself towards the candidates as an employer of choice, whilst internally optimising resources and efforts to meet the Organizations’ strategic objectives. It is accompanied by a definition of a set of indicators by which the results may be measured as well as the necessary resources required for implementation.

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