Heatwave Action Plan

Heatwaves have become increasingly common at our latitude these past years. Recent trends show that heatwaves are now more frequent and more intense: it is no longer a matter of ‘if’ we will have a heatwave period, but rather ‘when’ it will occur, ‘how hot’ it will be and ‘how long’ it will last.

CERN has developed a Heatwave Action Plan consisting of a set of preventive and corrective measures to mitigate the effects of sustained high temperatures on its Personnel during a heatwave. These measures will only apply during defined heatwave periods that depend on official meteorological forecasts, monitored closely by the HSE Unit to determine the need to activate the Heatwave Action Plan. Full details are available on the dedicated HSE webpage: https://hse.cern/hwap

Reminder on individual measures

When temperatures are rising, you can take simple measures on an individual basis aimed at limiting the negative effects of the heat:

  • Ensure sufficient hydration (1.5 L water / day):
  • Keep windows and blinds closed during the day;
  • Minimize heavy physical tasks during the hottest hours;
  • Use of office fans;
  • Wear light clothing, if it is compatible with tasks and workplace;
  • If working outside, use sunglasses and sunscreen, and wear appropriate clothing;
  • Recognize and act on symptoms.

Measures specific for the HR Department

Within the HR Department we have also defined the following measures.

'Fresh retreats'

We have identified the following HR meeting/training rooms which are equipped with fully functioning air conditioning units. These can be reserved and used as ‘fresh retreats’ during a heatwave, in particular in the afternoons, or by extension, during particularly high temperatures/sunny conditions:


Room Type


Group & Person in charge

Room Capacity


Meeting room


HR-DHO – Giulia



Meeting room


HR-TA – Virginie



Meeting room


HR-TA – Virginie


Technical Training Centre (593 & 572)

8 different rooms, inc. 6 with PCs

Training rooms

2 only

HR-LD – Maria F.


Language Centre (693)

4 different rooms (693-R-001, 693-R-005, 693-1-004, 693-1-007)

Training rooms


HR-LD – Nathalie D. &  Emanuela Delfini Abbate


Some fresher or air conditioned offices might also be vacated for the summer holiday. Please check available options with your Supervisor.


As explained above fans can be useful in mitigating the effect of the heat. If you do not have a fan in your office, please check with your Supervisor. Spare/unused fans may have been identified, or may be ordered.

We have several water fountains within close distance in HR's buildings. If you are not familiar with them, please find their location below:

  • Building 5, on the 1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th floors
  • Building 33, in room 33/1-021
  • Building 693 (Language Centre)
  • Building 572 (Technical Training Centre)

Flexible working conditions and telework

When a heatwave is announced or expected (check the HSE website for predictions), you may arrange more flexible working conditions, including extra telework potentially. Please discuss options with your Supervisor.

Stay out of the heat and hydrated!


The HR Safety Team