Disciplinary response


“The Director-General may take disciplinary action against members of the personnel who, whether intentionally or through carelessness, are guilty of a breach of the Rules and Regulations or of misconduct that is to the detriment of the Organization.” (S VI 2.01)

“Depending on the gravity of the breach or misconduct involved, the disciplinary action shall be:

  • a) a warning;
  • b) a reprimand;
  • c) suspension without remuneration or pay for a period not exceeding six months;
  • d) downward adjustment of the staff member’s salary;
  • e) demotion;
  • f) dismissal.”(S VI 2.02)

The disciplinary procedure is laid down in the Staff Rules and Regulations, chapter VI, section 2, “Discipline”.


The HR department publishes annual reports on disputes and disciplinary procedures conducted under chapter VI of the Staff Rules and Regulations.

These reports provide anonymised information on the subject of the misconduct and on the disciplinary measures that have been applied.

List of annual legal reports since 2011.

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