

Title Description Document Date
Anti-fraud Policy Anti-fraud Policy
CERN Internal Mobility Policy

The goal of the Internal Mobility Policy is to make recommendations in order to enhance opportunities, harmonize proc

CERN Recruitment and Sourcing Policy

In the context of implementing a modern HR Strategy for CERN and setting up a dedicated HR Centre of Expertise (COE)

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Conflict of Interest Policy Open link
Diversity Policy

CERN’s Diversity Policy is based on the three principles of “appreciating differences, fostering equality and promoti

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Learning & Development Policy

CERN’s mission calls for a highly qualified and motivated workforce whose knowledge and skills are continuously devel

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Anti-Harassment Policy Open link
External Activity Guidelines

Following the entry into force of the “Integrity at CERN” document, in which the Organization’s conflict of interest

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HR Communications Strategy 2021-2025 HR Communications Strategy
HR Reporting and Analytics Strategy 2021-2025 HR Reporting and Analytics Strategy 2021-2025