Ethics in our workplace is essential. It contributes to a positive and productive working environment whilst fostering trust among us, as CERN contributors, and also the trust of our stakeholders, such as Member States, contractors, and research institutions.
At CERN, our ethics-related framework addresses our individual conduct in the workplace. It aims to guide us on how to act in accordance with the Organization’s values on and the conduct expected of us, and to establish and maintain a healthy and stimulating working environment. CERN's values are commitment, professionalism, creativity, diversity and integrity. Together they provide the basis for respect: respect for others, respect for the Organization and respect for its mission. They underpin the CERN Code of Conduct.
The ethics framework is a tool to help all of us to integrate these values into our daily working lives and to understand what is required of us. By carrying out our functions in line with those standards, incorporating them into our daily interactions with others, and reaching out for advice or guidance, we will contribute to maintaining a respectful working environment. In this regard, your line management is in a position to guide you through ethics matters at CERN.
We all have a responsibility in this area and are also bound by our Staff Rules, which state that “Members of the personnel shall conduct themselves with due regard to the interests and proper functioning of the Organization.”