Indefinite Contract

The procedure hereunder describes the process in view of the award of an indefinite contract.

The limited duration to indefinite contract (LD2IC) process is held once per year.
Vacancy Notices (VNs) are published during summer and CERN Contract Review Boards (CCRBs) are held in autumn.


The applicable procedure in view of the award of an indefinite contract is defined in Administrative Circular No. 2 (Rev. 7).


The procedure involves the department in which the indefinite contract post is opened, the Human Resources Advisers (HRAs) and the Panel for the award of an indefinite contract (CCRB Panel members). CCRB Panel Members are proposed by the Department Heads and appointed by the Director-General.

The process is coordinated by the HR People eXperience and Engagement group.


Staff members

  • holding a limited duration contract on 31 December of the year concerned,
  • having successfully completed their probation period at the end of the Vacancy Notice publication period,
  • applying for a post of an equal or higher grade and corresponding to a benchmark job covering the same grade span or a higher grade span,
  • who are Member State nationals.

Please consult the Benchmark jobs list.


Pursuant to the principles of the CERN Code of Conduct, the process must be conducted in strict confidentiality. This implies that information shall not be disclosed to anyone outside the CCRB panel carrying out the assessment for a given post.

Documentation and key resources


Reference template for the candidate

CERN Competency Model

List of posts opened in view of the award of indefinite contracts