Need help, support and/or potential resolution ?

Are you a victim or witness of inappropriate behaviour that is undermining your workplace and wondering what to do?

Do you need help, support or potential resolution? 

The following response channels are there for you. You will find below, listed in alphabetical order, more information about how these channels can help you as part of their mission, as well as details of the confidentiality rules they apply.

In alphabetical order: 

  • Internal Audit
  • Harassment Investigation Panel (HIP) Chair
  • HR advisers and coordinators (HR-PXE)
  • HR Department Head
  • Medical Service (Occupational Medicine, Psychologists, Infirmary) 
  • Ombud’s Office 
  • Social Affairs service    
  • Staff Association
  • Your hierarchy/management 

Internal Audit

  • Mission (related to misconduct): Investigation of alleged fraud and risks related to the internal control system, including prevention of conflicts of interest.
  • It can help you:
    •    With relevant information on the policies and procedures dealing with fraud (OC10) and with conflicts of interest.
    •    Through advice about internal control measures preventing the risk of fraud and of conflicts of interest.
  • Consultation is open to all CERN contributors(1).
  • Confidentiality: Confidential information might by shared within the Internal Audit service on a need-to-know basis.
  • Without the consent of the person concerned, the Head of Internal Audit can decide on the start of an investigation as laid down by Operational Circular No. 10.
  • More information available at:  
  • Contact:


Harassment Investigation Panel (HIP) Chair

  • Mission: Investigation of alleged harassment following the receipt of a formal complaint.
  • The Chair can help you with relevant information on the procedure governing complaints of harassment (Operational Circular No. 9).
  • Consultation is open to all CERN contributors(1) who are considering filing a formal harassment complaint.
  • Confidentiality: No confidential information will be shared, and no action will be taken without the consent of the person concerned(2).
  • More information available at: Anti-Harassment policy 
  • Contact:


HR advisers and coordinators (HR-PXE)

  • Mission: Enabling CERN’s diverse and talented people to perform at their best and to make the most of their CERN experience.
  • They can help you:
    •    By supporting you throughout your career journey at CERN.
    •    To explore the options to overcome difficulties that you might be facing.
    •    By guiding you through relevant procedures and processes.
    •    Through informal dispute resolution, including facilitation and mediation.
  • Consultation is opene to staff members, fellows, graduates, and students.
  • Confidentiality: Subject to informal agreement between the person concerned and the PXE contact person. Confidential information might by shared with others on a need-to-know basis. No confidential information will be shared outside the service without the consent of the person concerned(2).
  • More information available at


HR Department Head

  • Mission (related to misconduct): Assistance to any general question and Investigation of disciplinary matters.
  • It can help you:
    •    By examining the issue and referring people to the right channel.
    •    By arranging informal dispute resolution, including mediation.
  • The consultation is opened to all members of the personnel.
  • Confidentiality: Subject to informal agreement between the person and the HR Head. Confidential information might by shared within the service on a need-to-know basis.
  • Without the consent of the person, the HR Head can decide of the start of an investigation as part of the disciplinary procedure, or to report the alleged misconduct to the competent service for investigation and formal response, pursuant to its obligations resulting from §9 & §10 of Operational Circular N°9, §6 of Operational Circular N°10 and Article S VI 2.07 of the Staff Rules and Regulations.
  • Contact:


Medical service (Occupational medicine, Psychologists, Infirmary) 

  • Mission: Physical and mental health.
  • It can help you :
    •    Primary through medical and psychological assistance.
    •    Also by referring you to the right channel.
  • The consultation is opened:
    •    For the occupational medicine, to employed members of the personnel (Staff, Fellows and Graduates).
    •    For the psychologists, to all members of personnel.
    •    For the infirmary, to all CERN contributors(1)
  • Confidentiality: Confidential information might be shared within the service on a need-to-know basis. No confidential information will be shared outside the service, and no action will be taken without the consent of the person(2) .
  • More information at
  • Contact: ;

Ombud’s office 

  • Mission: Support to resolve interpersonal disputes and promotion of the CERN Code of Conduct (See Ombud’s mandate)
  • It can help you:
    • To access the relevant information on resources or support service on the Code of Conduct as well as on procedures and processes related to the mission.
    •    Through advice and/or assistance.
    •    Through informal dispute resolution including facilitated discussion or mediation (including in harassment cases as provided for in Operational Circular N°9).
    •    Finally, if you just need to talk to a neutral and independent body to explore options in challenging work situations.
  • The consultation is opened to all CERN contributors(1).
  • Confidentiality: No information will be shared, and no action will be taken without the consent of the person(2).
  • CERN, as an organisation, is not held informed about the consultation.
  • More information at
  • Contact:


Social affairs service  

  • Mission: Support in a variety of circumstances.
  • It can help you:
    •    To access the relevant information on procedures and processes.
    •    By referring you to the right channel.
    •    Through advice and/or assistance.
  • The consultation is opened to all members of personnel.
  • Confidentiality: Confidential information might by shared within the service on a need-to-know basis. No confidential information will be shared outside the service, and no action will be taken without the consent of the person(2).
  • More information at
  • Contact:


Staff Association

  • Mission: Assistance and support to resolve any issue related to employment conditions with the Organisation. Advice and support to resolve disputes in a formal and informal way.
  • It can help you:
    •    To access the relevant information on procedures and processes.
    •    By referring you to the right channel.
    •    Through advice and/or assistance, including legal assistance.
    •    Through informal dispute resolution, in particular by representing the MP in the context of dispute with the Organisation.
  • The consultation is opened to all members of the personnel.
  • Confidentiality: Confidential information might by shared within the CAPA (Individual Cases Commission) on a need-to-know basis. No confidential information will be shared outside the service , and no action will be taken without the consent of the person(2).
  • More information at
  • Contact:


Your hierarchy/management in your department or in your collaboration, your department head, as appropriate

  • Mission (related to misconduct): Advice and support to resolve disputes in a formal and informal way.
  • It can help you:
    •    By referring you to the right channel.
    •    Through assistance/action as part of the managerial responsibility.
    •    Through informal dispute resolution, as a managerial response.
  • The consultation is opened to all members of the personnel.
  • Confidentiality: Subject to informal agreement between the two persons. Confidential information might by shared on a need-to-know basis.
  • Appropriate management’s response can be taken without the consent of the person. In particular, the reporting of alleged misconduct to the competent service for investigation and formal response, pursuant to its obligations resulting from §9 & §10 of Operational Circular N°9, §6 of Operational Circular N°10 and Article S VI 2.07 of the Staff Rules and Regulations.

1 CERN contributors are members of the personnel, consultants, contractors working on site, or persons engaged in any other capacity at or on behalf of CERN

   2 Except in case of imminent danger

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