In the performance of our professional duties for the Organization, we, as CERN contributors, must not accept gifts, favours or hospitality for:
- ourselves;
- our family or friends; or,
- any individual or organisation with which we are directly or indirectly connected.
Examples of gifts, favours or hospitality that should not be accepted include:
- cash gifts of any amount;
- a special entitlement granted for private purposes;
- travel and/or accommodation paid, directly or indirectly, by a supplier or a potential supplier;
- recurrent invitations for meals or even a single invitation for a meal that could be perceived as excessive or unreasonable;
- an invitation to sporting, cultural or social events;
- sponsorship of CERN clubs by suppliers;
- recruitment of a family member as a personal favour;
- an invitation to enter a company doing business with CERN;
- any items, including advertising and promotional items, with a monetary value in excess of 30 CHF.
Gifts, favours and hospitality not listed above may be accepted only if they neither influence nor compromise the impartiality and objectivity of the recipient and cannot be perceived as so doing. In this spirit, CERN contributors may accept, on CERN's behalf:
- protocol gifts offered by governmental or public bodies in line with standard practice,
- product samples provided by suppliers for evaluation purpose. Such samples should remain the property of the Organization;
If accepted, the gifts must be reported to the recipient’s line management at CERN and, wherever possible, shared with colleagues.
The CERN contributors concerned shall report to their hierarchy at CERN any offer of a gift, favour or hospitality that is unacceptable under the present policy.
If in doubt
If in doubt, it is the responsibility of the CERN contributor(s) concerned to discuss the gift, favour or hospitality with their line manager at CERN, the Human Resources department or the Internal Audit.
Reference documents
Guidelines for the implementation of the Conflict of Interest Policy