Emergency services
You can ring 24 hours a day:
Services | Phone | Website |
Emergency rescue service | 144 | |
Fire department (Firefighters) | 118 | |
Police / Gendarmerie | 117 | polizei.ch/en |
Intoxication / poisoning | 145 | toxinfo.ch/startseite_en |
+41 44 251 66 66 (for non-urgent cases and information) | ||
Réseau Urgences Genevois | See web page for emergency centres and wait times | urgences-ge.ch |
HUG - Hôpital cantonal universitaire de Genève (public) | +41 22 372 81 20 | hug.ch/en/direct-access-hug-emergency-room |
Hôpital de la Tour (private) | +41 22 719 61 11 | la-tour.ch/en/urgences |
Clinique des Grangettes (private) | +41 22 305 07 77 | hirslanden.ch/en/clinique-des-grangettes/centres-et-instituts/emergency-service.html |
Clinique La Colline (private) | +41 22 702 21 44 | hirslanden.ch/en/clinique-la-colline/centers-and-institutes/emergency-centre.html |
Pediatric emergency consultations | +41 84 40 220 22 | pediatre-ge.ch/en/paediatric-emergency-consultations |
SOS Médecins | +41 22 748 49 50 | sos-medecins.ch |
Doctors stand-by service (Médecins de garde) | +41 22 754 54 54 | gemed.ch/en/ |
L'Association des Médecins du Canton de Genève (AMGE) | +41 22 320 84 20 | amge.ch/que-faire-en-cas-durgence/ |
Chiropractor - Emergency service organised by the "Association des Chiropraticiens" | +41 22 781 82 00 | chirosuisse.ch/fr |
Osteopath on duty | +41 79 203 58 04 | osteo-geneve.fso-svo.ch/garde |
Dental emergencies | See web page for dentist on call | amdg.ch/en/ |
SOS Pharmacie | +41 62 929 11 11 | https://www.pharmasuisse.org/fr/ |
PharmaGenève | See web page for pharmacies on duty | pharmageneve.swiss |
Hospitals & clinics
Hospitals / Clinics | Phone | Website |
HUG - Hôpital cantonal universitaire de Genève (public) | +41 22 372 33 11 | hug.ch/en/ |
CHUV - Hôpital cantonal universitaire de Lausanne (public) | +41 21 314 11 11 | chuv.ch |
Clinique Générale Beaulieu (private) | +41 22 839 55 55 | beaulieu.ch |
Clinique des Grangettes (private) | +41 22 305 01 11 | grangettes.ch |
Clinique La Colline (private) | +41 22 702 20 22 | hirslanden.ch/en/clinique-la-colline/home.html |
Hôpital de La Tour - in Meyrin (private) | +41 22 719 61 11 | la-tour.ch/en |
Permanent medical centres
The following centres are also open day and night (with exceptions):
Permanent medical centres | Phone | Website |
Centre Médical des Acacias | +41 22 342 54 55 | cmacacias.ch |
Centre Médico-Chirurgical de Cornavin | +41 22 595 11 11 | cmccornavin.ch |
Centre Médical Eaux-Vives | +41 22 718 03 86 | eaux-vives.com |
Swiss mc – Medical center (Chantepoulet) | +41 22 731 21 20 | smcenter.ch/en/home/ |
Medical and dental centre (Versoix) | +41 22 775 03 03 | pureclinic.ch |
Centre Médical de Meyrin | +41 22 719 74 00 | https://www.cmmeyrin.ch/ |
Clinique et Permanence d'Onex | +41 22 709 00 00 | cpo.ch |
Centre Médical de Plainpalais | +41 22 329 56 56 | cmplainpalais.ch |
Centre Médical de Chêne-Bourg | +41 22 349 66 66 | cmedcb.ch |
Centre Médico-Chirurgical Vermont - Grand-Pré | +41 22 734 51 50 | pmv.ch |
Permanences médicales SOS Médecins | +41 22 748 49 50 | sos-medecins.ch |
Centre Médical du Léman | +41 22 716 06 60 | cmleman.ch |
Permanences médicales La Tour | +41 22 719 61 11 | la-tour.ch/en |
Medical consultations
A list of general practitioners and specialists is available on the website of the CERN Medical Service and on the "Association des Médecins du canton de Genève".
To consult a general practitioner or a specialist
The service "Rendez-vous Rapides" provides medical appointments within 3 days with one of the doctors of the "Association des Médecins du Canton de Genève". Home visits are possible from 7.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. (tel: +41 22 322 20 20).
To consult a pediatrician or a midwife
Pediatricians / Midwives | Phone | Website |
HUG - Hôpital cantonal universitaire de Genève (public) | +41 22 372 40 00 | hug.ch/en/general-pediatrics |
Clinique des Grangettes (private) | +41 22 305 01 11 | hirslanden.ch/en/clinique-des-grangettes/specialites-medicales/general-paediatrics.html |
Hôpital de La Tour - at Meyrin (private) | +41 22 719 61 00 | la-tour.ch/en/care-services/paediatrics |
Meyrin Pediatric Centre | +41 22 782 59 82 | cpm.officemed.ch/?lang=en |
Pediatricians (and other specialists) Operated by the "Association des Médecins de Genève" |
See web page | amge.ch/medecins |
Arcade des Sages Femmes Pré et post-natal (Midwives hotline 7 days a week) | +41 22 329 05 55 | arcade-sages-femmes.ch/en/Home.htm |
To consult a dentist
A list of dentists is available on the website of the CERN Medical Service and the "Association des Médecins Dentistes de Genève".
Dental treatment offered at the "Clinique universitaire de médecine dentaire (CUMD)".
To consult a chiropractor
A list of chiropractors is available on the website of the "Association des chiropraticiens du canton de Genève" (tel: +41 22 321 22 94).
To consult an osteopath
You can find a nearby osteopath on the website of the "Société Cantonale d'Ostéopathie Genève".
The English Speaking Cancer Association (ESCA) offers emotional support, practical help and information to cancer patients and their families in the area: +41 22 791 63 05.
Mental health
Depression: free telephone call for information and advice on depression: +41 22 305 45 45.
A list of psychologists qualified in counselling and/or therapy is available on the website of the "Fédération Suisse des Psychologues" and the "Association Genevoise des psychologues" (AGPsy).
A list of psychiatrists-psychotherapists is available here.