Work Well Feel Well related Bulletin articles
Tackling occupational Stress, Fabiola Gianotti (24 October 2017)
Improving the quality of working life at CERN (13 April 2018)
Promoting the quality of working life (11 September 2023)
Other resources
- Online conference Seven secrets to stay engaged while not becoming overwhelmed (Les sept secrets pour s'engager sans s'épuiser) (3 December 2020)
- Work Well Feel Well learning catalogue
- Seminar Improving the quality of working life at CERN by Professor Sarnin from University of Lyon (2 May 2018)
- HR public session on Results of the WWFW project and follow up actions (1 April 2019)
- Short videos inviting you to reflect on the way one’s behaviour can affect our working environment, through a series of situations covering CERN's five values
- Short video by Dr Mina Michal "Discuss the cost of stress"
- Follow our WWFW Mattermost channel for latest news, tips and advice
Support structures (download the poster in English and in French)
Are you looking for support? Do you need help? The following support structures are there for you.
- Ombud (tel. 73566, bldg. 500/1-004): listening, guidance, mediation
- Medical service (tel. 73802 or 73186, bldg. 57): medical and psychological care for health-related issues and stress symptoms
- Your HR contacts: HR Advisors, HR Coordinators, social workers: listening, advice, guidance, mediation
- Staff Association (CAPA, SA delegates - tel. 72819, bldg. 64/R-010): listening, advice, support
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