Theme 4: Get rid of your strains

Efficiency and caring at work – an awareness-raising campaign

Theme 4: Get rid of your strains


As you may have read in the Bulletin, part 4 of the Work Well Feel Well series looks at releasing built-up pressure step by step.


Evacuating stress progressively can help restore balance in our daily lives

Many of us want to get rid of stress, but find it hard to do. We may worry that if we let go, we will not have the energy to handle everyday life. It's like cooking with a pressure cooker – if you open it all at once, it might explode. Instead, we can let out the pressure slowly, bit by bit. This can make us feel better and give us more energy to tackle our daily lives.

Our bodies tell us when we're stressed out. We might have trouble breathing, clench our teeth, or feel tense in our muscles. These warning signs can make us tired in the long run. It's important to find balance again through breathing deeply, moving our bodies, and speaking freely. When we do these simple things, we can feel calmer and better able to handle life's challenges.

To release tension regularly, we encourage you to try these breathing exercises and look through further tips on handling internal pressure in a few minutes[JS3] .

Here are a few more resources for managing stress in a sustainable way:

The campaign, Efficiency and caring at work, designed by psychologist and specialist in burnout prevention, Catherine Vasey, invites you to explore the topic from different angles, deepen your knowledge, share your experiences and complete exercises made available on this website. We encourage you to take an active part in the campaign and the quest for a better quality of life at work.

Keen to learn more? Read about the Work Well Feel Well project, have a look at the useful resources and watch the micro-talk recording on burnout.